• Brought to you by 3 amazing women. We're not wanting to give away our ages, but we met over 10 years ago, all working in the same office. At various times we each jumped ship, but somehow still liked each other enough to stay in touch. Fast forward; welcome to Sticks and Pricks.

  • Nothing haunts you like the things you didn’t buy. That's especially true with our small batch items that are created by local artists. If you are looking for custom, buying from us will be the easiest decision you make all day.

  • We are HILARIOUS! We laugh at each other all the time. I mean, we make each other laugh. So, we thought we'd let you in on the joke. Whether you like nerdy, quirky, twisted or just a little off humor you'll probably find something here that'll make you chuckle.

  •  We are located in the Sunshine State of Florida. So, basically we work from the beach, except when there's a hurricane or thunderstorm or any other time the weather decides to throw a hissy fit.